See? The pipes were junk. Good thing they replaced them. Archy and I had to stay in Moms and Dads' bedroom for another day while the "landlords" did paint stuff in the kitchen. Then we got to roam around the house again. It smelled better after they left.
Moms asked if she could put some of her pictures on the internet through my blog. Since Moms takes my dictation, I said ok. When Maine Bampy (grampa) was here, he and Dads built Moms some flower boxes for our windows. Then they got paint to match the front door (in case you're wondering, the color is called Atomic Tangerine) and they painted it and then they stuffed them with dirt and smelling things. I get to sniff them from the other side of the screen. It smells as nice as it looks.
1 comment:
that flower box is thriving....compared to the last picture of it.
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