Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This, That and The Other Thing

Hello, everybody! It's me, JDamn! Lots of stuff has happened since I last blogged. So we came back to our house in Fairfield. Coming home was nicer than going there because moms bought us a new cat carrier that both Archy and I fit into so we could be together for the car ride. We got home and found the rotten pipes in our driveway. They had pukas (holes) in them.

See? The pipes were junk. Good thing they replaced them. Archy and I had to stay in Moms and Dads' bedroom for another day while the "landlords" did paint stuff in the kitchen. Then we got to roam around the house again. It smelled better after they left.

Moms asked if she could put some of her pictures on the internet through my blog. Since Moms takes my dictation, I said ok. When Maine Bampy (grampa) was here, he and Dads built Moms some flower boxes for our windows. Then they got paint to match the front door (in case you're wondering, the color is called Atomic Tangerine) and they painted it and then they stuffed them with dirt and smelling things. I get to sniff them from the other side of the screen. It smells as nice as it looks.

Moms also spent all day Sunday weeding. She made a wicket nice garden right next to where Dads parkes the silver bullet. Moms really wished that she took a "before" picture so you all would appreciate her hard work.
Dads worked really hard on making a nice not-in-the-house area. My folks got some lay-down chairs and a table and an umbrella and a pit of fire. In the pit of fire, Moms and Dads like to burn yard waste. They figure if someone says it's illegal, they'll say that Maine and Hawaii Bampy do it all the time.

This is Moms' car. Uncle Max named him Eli. We went to and from the hotel in Eli. He smells nice.
This is me and Dads. (Hi, Dads!) For Father's Day, me and Archy got him a pink Donald Trump silk tie, a Trump shirt and Trump shorts -- because Dads is the Donald Trump of our life. The clothes we got him are wicked nice but I think it would all look way better with some fur on them. (You should see what I've done to our suitcase.) Anyhow, Dads also bought a power saw (the round kind not the saw back and forth kind) on Pops Day and he built me and Archy a window seat so we can safely sit with them when they eat outside (instead of teetering on the skinny ledge).
Dads built the cubbies so we can put our toys in there. He's going to add a lip to the top so mom can put a squishy rump pillow up there. They are going to paint it. Mom said something about painting flowers on it. Dads said he'd talk with Moms to tell her to paint something manly on there like monster trucks or Uncle Ron's motorbike.
K. Bye.
Purrs and tons of furballs,
JDamn - out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that flower box is thriving....compared to the last picture of it.