Dear JDamn fans,
Happy Gobble Gobble day! I hope this blog entry finds your tumtums full of turkey and treats. We had a great Thanksgiving. It was the first one that the four of us all spent together. The big day's preparation got started the night before, when Moms and Dads, on the advice of Auntie Vicki (which was seconded by Aunties Anne and Maggie), soaked the turkey in a brine. The brine they picked had sea salt, apple cider and Guinness beer. (Yes. Dad's bottom lip quivered a bit as he sacrified the beer to the turkey but it all turned out ok in the end.) They soaked the turkey overnight and, on Thanksgiving, they stuck it in the oven. It was the juciest, yummiest and saltiest turkey either of them have ever eaten. Doesn't it look nice? It is the biggest bird that I have ever seen.
This is Dads carving the turkey. Archy and I got special Fancy Feast Elegant Medley's Turkey in a can with greens. It was great, but Archy said I had the greens stuck in my teeth afterwards. (I didn't. I looked.)
The real exciting part of the day, though, came between the taking the turkey out of the brine and eating the turkey. That portion of the day is now referred to as "Chipper Time." That's right, ladies and gents. Moms and Dads have successfully cultivated a squirrel to be my outdoorsey friend. Chipper (not to be confused with Chippy, my deceased chipmunk friend from Norwood) first appeared to us around Halloween time. Moms bought four wee punkins - one for me, one for Archy, one for her and one for Dads. After Halloween, she put the wee punkins on the front steps and our big, uncarved punkin out there too. The next day, two of the wee punkins were on the top of the pic-i-nic table, about 30 feet away, and were carved to a fine point, like the end of a newly sharpened pencil. The other two wee punks were missing. In the big punkin, there were little, little gnaw marks. It was a mystery until one day, Moms caught Chipper chipping away at the pic-i-nic table punkins, sharpening them down and down until there was nothing left. He was relentless. Chips of punkin were flying everywhere. It didn't seem like he enjoyed it; he just seemed to like to chip at them.
Since the punkins were chipped to oblivion, Moms and Dads were worried that Chipper would starve. So they bought Chipper some nuts in shells from the grocery store. Turns out, he like nuts too. But he started making commentary. On Thanksgiving, Moms and Dads awoke to find that he only left the shelled walnuts - five of them - and took the rest. As they were starring in disbelief, Chipper came back to take possession of said nuts.
This is my disbelief that Chipper is eating the walnuts.
But then they watched, and realized he wasn't eating the nuts -- he was squirreling (HA! Get it?) them away in the dirt, which explains all of those scratch marks in the yard. Moms and Dads couldn't believe it. It was like he was planting trees. He's a nut.
So, kids. That's all the gobble stories I have for you today. Later, I will tell you about Jingles the Outdoor Cat. He boggles my mind.
Purrs and turkey kisses,
JDamn - OUT!
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chippy sighting
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