I am proud to report that I was a good enough boy last year because Santa Paws came and he brought me a great toy. It is this thing that hangs over the top of a door. It has a "diving board" that extends off of it and, at the tippy end part (where you'd stick yr toes), a long piece of elastic dangles down to the floor with a fluffy mouse. Of course, I always think that it is a magical mouse that can hover...that thing tricks me every time!
Moms and Dads say they like the toy because it makes me exercise. I do not know what they are talking about. In reality, I am putting on my superhero pants and saving the world from Hover Mouse. On our Christmas morning, Archy said the toy was his, too. I said it was not. He said it was too. I said he could not touch it. So he got pissy and chewed through the elastic and made the mouse fall to the floor; Hover Mouse hovered no more. Archy said, "There. I've put an end to that. Now it's no one's toy. And no one needs to be saved anyway from Hover Mouse. Mice can't hover. Silly cat." Then he went and munched kibbles. Dads came over and he did something fancy with the elastic (Moms said it's called a "knot") and now Hover Mouse is back to be avenged. It's great.
I have so much fun with it that Moms and Dads took a video of me playing with it. It wouldn't upload to Blogger but it uploaded just fine to Photobucket, so you have to click on this link to go see my supahstah video. Trust me. It is worth your time.
Moms and Dads do not like the toy when I play with it at midnight, one, two or three in the morning. (I do not know why. It is wicked fun.) One morning, the late night "Attack of the Hover Mouse" game was cut short. Unbeknownst to me, Hover Mouse can also be used for a game called Cat Ball. And I apparently made a slam dunk. When Moms and Dads woke up and came downstairs, they found this:
Purrs and Kisses to everyone in the New Year. And keep your eyes on the polls in New Hampshire; I think I might get some votes.
JDamn - OUT!
amazing shot.
Hey J -- we also have a Hover Mouse at our house! Does yours squeek when you attack? Ours does. It also squeeks when you don't attack (i.e., accidentally brush against it when you walk past). Yeah, Hover Mouse is pretty cool, but secretly, we still prefer the ivy that hangs down from it's perch atop the bookshelf. It's much more fun to pounce upon, even though it doesn't squeek. -- Sherman and Xela Helsing
You folks are really into this Hoover Mouse. Must be more to it than I had thought.
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