Greetings, everyone. It is me, JohnJohn the Godfather. From my puffy kitty nest, I guard the top of the stairs. No one may go past the stairs until you listen to my entire story, or until I fall asleep (whichever comes first). My friends, here is the story you must listen to so that you may pass.Once upon a time, Moms and Dads had a baby shower. My Mam and Auntie Nikki in Maine threw the party for the tot. My Mam and Bamp live wicked far north in Maine and there's lots and lots of snow. This is the view from my Mam's dining room window. Where is the outside? I do not know. It cannot be seen!
This is the view from my Mam's kitchen. Can you see the outside? I do not think so!
Since it was a party, there needed to be chilled drinks. So they stuck the drinks in the snow bank outside on the kitchen porch. Auntie Nikki calls this a "redneck refrigerator."
And because it was a party, there had to be balloons. There wasn't enough helium for all the balloons to float on their own, so my Dads, who was the decoration committee, used his head (literally) to make them float. He blew up the balloons, rubbed them on his head to create static cling, and stuck them to the rafters. They stayed up there for the entire party.
There was cake. Lots of it and lots of different kinds. This one is a diaper cake. The tot will apparently have to wear these until it's old enough to go in the litterbox.
Auntie Nikki also made a party cake. It was three tiers of cake goodness. Each tier was a different cake and frosting flavor. It was a jungle cake. 
After rubbing balloons on his head and looking at the cake, Dads ran wicked far away to Uncle Dale's house for boy activities like riding sleds attached to the back of snowmobiles and playing the Whee! Moms stayed behind for the girl festival. There was only one boy there - Moms' nephew Cameron. He's 18 months old. He didn't know that this was a girl party. Here's all the girls who came to the party. There were a lot of them.
There were sticky tots at the party, too. So that they didn't get bored, there were party favors for them - baby chicks! That's my kind of party favor! Here is Aubrey giving the newborn chick a kiss. I wish I was giving the chickie a kiss.
After all the girls left, Dads came back and Moms asked Auntie Nikki to take their picture together, because we have no pictures of Moms and Dads together with Moms pregnant. They got the giggles during the picture because Dads said that they'll tell the tot that this is their wedding picture. (I don't get it.)
Then Moms and Dads came home with a sleigh of stuff for the tot and lots of boxes and bags for me and Archy to play in. We played so hard that we fell asleep touching each other. Moms had the nerve to take a picture of me and Archy (kind of) snuggling. Note that Archy is hogging the blanket. Ok, he's not really - but he has more blanket than me and that's not really fair.
K. That's my story. You can pass now.
Your pal,
1 comment:
I see the let me pass, already.
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