Thursday, March 05, 2009


Hi, folks!

We're back at it - the home improvement game is ON! When we first bought this house, Moms and Dads turned this mauvy beast of a room into a ray of sunshine. Here's the "before" picture....
...and here's the "after" picture. See? Pretty sunshine yellow.Well, this sunshiney room has been selected as the "nursery." That is apparently where the tot will live. Moms and Dads never painted the radiator (pronounced "rad-ee-ate-or" in the cat world), so Dads built this wicked cool radiator cover for it. In order for it to fit, he had to rip off the baseboard and the windowsill. (Radiator cover not shown yet.)When he ripped off the baseboard on one side of the room, all of the baseboard started to come up. It was like pulling a loop off an afghan. Anyway, it's all up and we've discovered that the baseboard is original to our 1942 house. That's not drywall under there, folks. We think it's plaster or something more ancient than that. Anyway, with the unraveled baseboard, Dads is now going to town on moulding. We even bought a book. I think it's called "Introduction to Moulding."
Now that I'm going to be a big brother, there's apparently a family expectation that I will help more. Unfortunately, I got caught sleeping on the job.
I caught heck for that so Moms and Dads told me that I had to hold baseboard in place. I told them that I'm just a kitten -- an eleven year old kitten -- and a kitten needs his rest. So they said I could hold the baseboard in place while resting in my puffy kitty nest. I thought it was a pretty fair compromise so I obliged.
Then I said, "Hey, where's Archy?" Moms and Dads explained to me that I was better at the brawny stuff, and Archy will be contributing to the baby's wellbeing by teaching him or her math or classical music. Whatever. Baseboard is fine with me.

More pictures to come.

Purrs and kisses from JD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all good cats become baseboards in their ninth life. The better you behave, the better a baseboard you'll end up as.