Friday, October 23, 2009


Good morning, JohnJohn fans! Have you been at home, pining for me to share my vibrant words? Have you been hitting refresh every two seconds just to see if I posted my latest brilliant mewsings? Well. I have been silenced. BUT I SHALL BE SILENCED NO MORE!

If you recall, Moms and Dads had a tot and this tot requires a lot of things, mostly time. And diaper changes. (Dude. Litter box. Catch on to the trend....) But, apparently, the one thing that the tot needs most is care. He can't be left home alone like me and Archy. He has to be stared at, and held, and changed, and HAND FED. Which got me to thinking, Archy and I got the short end of the stick here. I mean, really, had I known that hand feeding, 24/7 holding, and rocking chair rocking was even a remote possibility, I would have been putting my demands on the table much, much sooner. Apparently, though, my new demands are not heard through the giggles of my brother, Nate. (I will admit. They are cute.)

Anyhow. The care of Nate. So, ever since Nate showed up, Moms has been at home. ALL THE TIME. At first, it cramped my style but once I realized that I slept through most of it, I found I didn't care. But then all of a sudden, everyone became a bundle of nerves because MOMS WAS GOING BACK TO WORK and someone had to care for the baby. (Archy and I offered but Dads mumbled something about us sleeping 20 hours a day.) So they shipped Nate off to something called Day Care. Moms and Dads worried about Nate all the time and stared at him every night asking, "Natie Pie? Are you hap-hap-happy!?!" to which he would only giggle and I was all, "Folks. He naps there, right? Trust me. He doesn't remember a thing."

Then Moms made a new friend, Auntie Katie, who made her feel much better about the day care thing. Auntie Katie also has a blogeroo called Confessions of a Young Married Couple (and I'm giving her a HOLLA! here because if I giver her a HOLLA! then I can enter to win an iPod video thingy on her blog and, boy, would that make my waking hours tres exciting! Auntie Katie has dogs but I looked at one of them and really, I'm much bigger, so I'm ok with the dog thing.)

Archy and I were willing to do our part. Ok. Moms and Dads were stressed out. Ok. We only asked for dinner five times instead of our usual ten. Archy only pooed outside of the box once a week instead of his normal three. But after being back at work for two weeks, Moms' job got eliminated and WHAMMO!, she's home again. ALL THE TIME. It also means that Nate is here too. ALL. THE. TIME.

This called for a family meeting because, apparently, when Moms went to "work," she brought home MONEY. A lot more money than the cost of day care. So Moms not getting paid anymore is going to affect all of us. For me and Archy, this means that Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys are off our menu for a long time. And the regular Fancy Feast meals? Well. Dads still wants us to eat them, but Moms said we'll have to revisit that soon. The really good news is that cat litter is NOT getting cut from the grocery menu.

But this layoff thing also means that Moms can take more of my dictations. She can take my picture more for the blog. She can help me upload my video of the baby deer that now lives in our backyard. She can help me straighten my right eyebrow, which has gone totally askew and kind of curls back into my eyeball. And she can hold my paw and help me get over my fear of Nate jumping in that jumperoo thing. Folks. The jumperoo thing is loud, fierce, and scary. Very. Very. Scary.

So, JDamn fans. That's the mews of this week. I'll be posting again soon with my dear deer video (Ha ha ha! I crack myself up!). Until then, I wish you restful, wheeze-free naps.

Your pal,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a JDamn fan. Amen.