Sunday, September 23, 2007

Alone Time

Hey, Jdamn fans! It's me, Jdamn.
Me, Archy, Moms and Dads have been in serious negotiations these many years about "alone time." You see, Moms and Dads don't seem to give Archy and me "space" on something called the "weekend." We are growing boys. We need our sleep, at least sixteen hours a day of it. On the weekend, Moms and Dads want to have "scheduled time." There's kibble time, snuggle time, poo time, play time, sitting in Trump Fairfield time - they want to schedule every minute of every day, sometimes even waking us up during the most important time of the day -- nap time.

Anyhow. Today, we came to an understanding. They left the house and we got alone time. We said they could go do whatever they wanted to, so apparently they went to Arden's house where there was a birthday party. Arden is four this week. (Note to self: I am nearly ten. Ten trumps four.)

For the occasion, she got something called a jumpy castle. (Note to self: must ask Dads for a jumpy castle. And an air pump.) Here's Auntie Xandra jumping with Arden in her birthday jumpy castle. Arden told Moms and Dads that the castle was, "weally, weally wumpy."

Jack is too little to go jumping, so he got a balloon instead. Here's Auntie Chris holding Jack, with a hammer that he got for his birthday.
Arden had party favors for her guests and, of course, herself. She put two party horns in her mouth because, well, two is funner than one. (Note to self: Need party favors for my shindig next week. Second note to self: don't tell Moms and Dads about my party next week. Third note to self: Get Moms and Dads out of the house again.)
Her theme was girly ponies. The pony on her cake was named Rainbow Sprinkles or something like that. (Note to self: Make sure Moms and Dads get me a cake with Rambo on it for my birthday in December. Sprinkles and sparkles are still ok.)
But then something happened. Arden had a big day. Actually, she had a big weekend with not much nappy time. Yesterday, she had a party for her school friends with cake. Then this morning, before her party, she had to go to a birthday party for a classmate of hers at the Little Gym. And then she had her own party with a jumpy castle. And she ate sugar. So, by the time it got around to the celebration part -- you know, blowing candles and eating cake, Arden didn't want to play any more. It didn't go too good. But she had to pose for her family portrait around her cake. Arden, well - Arden thought it was ok to be in the picture, but not necessarily to be happy in it. Jack was just wondering how that frosting got on his hand.
Arden got the first piece of cake, being the birthday girl and all. That was ok with her.
Then Jack got his own piece. He was only allowed to have it if he was a) swaddled in dishcloths and b) had a big bib on. He did ok, though rumor has it that there was a lot of cake in his lap, which could be why they're considering buying a d-o-g. (Note to self: make myself more useful on eating scraps from the floor. Usefulness could be improved if humans ate kibbles.)

So. I got a nap, Archy got a nap and Moms and Dads got cake. And I have lots of notes to myself.

That's my story. Next blog - WOB YOGA STUDIO - Action photos are coming your way.

Over and out - JDAMN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J-Damn, you're starting to get too much materialistic. Nice kitty....