Yesterday, my Aunt Kasey had her sassy pants on. Aunt Kasey, who lives in a fancy pants trailer all of her own on Mam and Bamp's compound, is eighteen. For reasons unknown to us all, she's chosen to date a boy who is also named Kasey (same spelling, too). To make sure everyone's clear on who is being referenced, folks up in Medway have taken to call them Kasey and Boy Kasey.
Anyhoo, Boy Kasey turned seventeen yesterday. And, to celebrate, Auntie Kasey wanted to make Boy Kasey a cake. Auntie Nikki had a basketball cake mold that she used to make Marissa's caterpillar cake with -- and Auntie Nikki is wicked creative. Since Boy Kasey likes pool, Aunt Nikki said that Kasey should make him a bunch of cakes that were pool balls. But Kasey said that was too much work, so she said she'd just make Boy Kasey an eight ball cake. Aunt Nikki told Kasey that it would look like a poop cake, but Kasey said, "Nooooo," and went ahead and made an eight ball cake, covered with chocolate frosting.
When she tried to decorate it, Aunt Kasey realized that Aunt Nikki was right -- it looked like a big round turd. Then Aunt Kasey freaked. She had to go to work at the pizza shop, and didn't have time to make another one. So she begged Aunt Nikki to make a new cake for Boy Kasey. Aunt Nikki said ok. Uncle Dave was home too, so he said ok as well. But then Aunt Kasey put on her bossy pants. She said the cake better look good, and it better taste good, and the frosting better be nice, and it better be done by eight o' clock on the dot or else. Then she left for work. Well. Uncle Dave and Aunt Nikki took one look at each other and said, "Let's make a boob cake."

I think Aunt Kasey now knows that a) sassy pants can lead to trouble and b) a poop cake might be better than having your sister make one for you.
JDamn - OUT!
1 comment:
U people are krazy....
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