Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Family

Hey, everybody! We got another McLaughlin boy! (Go boys! Girls have cooties - except for Moms.) The talking people are calling him Cameron. He was born last week. When he showed up, he weighed less than half of what I do, but folks seem to think that 9.4 pounds is a "big boy." That's my Uncle Dale holding Cameron. Uncle Dale is Cameron's Dads.

That means that Dylan is now a big brother (not big in size, though, well, he is bigger). To celebrate, my Bampy brought Dylan a crocodile. I don't know why, but I certainly agree that a crocodile always makes a party sparkle.

Did I mention that my Bampy rides trucks with guns? Uncle Dale bought a truck (for fun). It is an Army truck. To show Moms and Dads how fun it is to use, Uncle Dale drove Dads up and down the driveway, while Bampy showed off with Dylan's toy rifle. I think he looks awful fierce. If I saw that coming up the driveway (whatever that is), I sure would run.
The last time Moms and Dads went to Maine, Miss Kathy got sassy and sat on our car, Eli. Then, when Moms caught her sitting there, she just starred Moms down and, apparently, Miss Kathy won, because Moms blinked. I think if Miss Kathy engaged me in a starring contest, I might play for a while. But then I'd wise up and realise that I could just sit on her (she weighs, like, six pounds). I'm sure sitting on her would be considered "winning" in some countries, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

....sitting on Miss Kathy would definitely cause her to tap out immediately.