Alooooooooha! It's me, JohnJohn. As you know, we've got a tot on the way. While we were rather upset when Moms and Dads broke the news, both Archy and me have come around to realize that it's not so bad to be big brothers. Role models. The big cheese. Since there's only eleven weeks (or less!) until the tot arrives, Archy and me have started helping Moms.Moms lies down a lot. And when she's not at work, she naps nearly as much as we do! Archy felt he could support Moms in this endeavor, so he's taken to propping up her head when she watches teevee and crochets baby blankets.
I, on the other paw, have chosen to actually hold Moms' belly or, as I like to call it, the baby pod. Moms does not like the way she looks in this picture (she said to tell you that she had just taken a shower and the angle is weird and she doesn't really look this giant), but I am really proud of how I'm holding the tot here. So I begged and begged and Moms finally said I could post it on my blog. (It is MY blog, after all...)
After this, I fell asleep with my cheek on the baby pod. I don't remember any of this, but Moms told me that the baby put its feet up to my cheek and pushed against my head. I said that sounded rude, but Moms said that the baby was probably responding to my purring and was just saying hi. I thought that sounded nice.
In other news, Dads finally installed the Squirrel Chalet. My Uncle Blaine, Auntie Pattie and my cousin Mac bought it for me for Christmas. It holds a million pounds of sunflower seeds in it. It's brilliant. Ever since the Squirrel Chalet showed up, the squirrels don't know if they should eat from Uncle Daniel's corn kibbler or the chalet.
Anyhoo, Dads installed it like a week ago and, a few days after its installation, Moms noticed something funny when she left for work. One of the Cornys ripped the roof off the Squirrel Chalet and was in the kibbler, rump up, stuffing its cheeks to the gills, while another one of the Cornys turned his back in shame.
The new food option has been the source of a traffic jam. Lots of squirrels show up now, along with a raven, our naughty woodpecker (he makes Dads mad), and other birds. We've been thinking about installing a "take a ticket" system, like they have at the grocery store deli. Archy said that would be pointless, since squirrels can't read, but I still think it's a good idea.
Dads is home from work now, so I have to go. I need to convince him that Moms didn't feed me dinner and see if I can trick him into giving me second supper. (Every cat could use a second supper.)
Your pal, JD!
"Role model"....yeah, right.
Uncle Ron,
Good catch on the typo. I meant to say "roll" model...
Your pal,
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