Hi, everybody! It's me, Jonathan Dangerous! I have not blogged in a while because I have been very, very busy. First off, I am preparing to be a big brother. I hear it's a huge responsibility, so I have been practicing my duties. First and foremost, I need to be a helperbee to my Moms and Dads. To that end, I have helped them put together the nursery. My parents bought a grass green rug, and I have taken the liberty to roll all over to get the McLaughlin smell well imbedded in the rug. Moms and Dads also bought a giant leaf to hang over the crib. I wanted to make sure that the leaf provided ample shade and entertainment for the impending tot. Here I am, testing it out.
For some reason, Moms' photoshop software won't acknowledge that my glowing eyes are some bizarre form of red eye, so it can't be easily fixed. No need to worry folks. I'm not an alien. It's still me, John John.All of this helping has made me extremely tired. (That's also why I haven't blogged in a while. My naps are a bit longer than usual.) The exhaustion has caused me to do erratic things. Lately, Dads has been filling up the bathroom sink for me to drink from. Archy is skinny enough to jump onto the sinktop, but I am too chubby, so I climb on the toilet seat lid and wait until Moms or Dads picks me up and puts me on the sink. Well, my lack of sleep got the best of me, and I was too tired to realize that part of me fell in the water.
Here's my precious tail, floating. While my fur is water repellent, it's not super water repellent, especially after been soaked in water for, oh, a minute or two....(Did I mention I was tired?)
In other news, there's a new outdoor cat. Dad named him (or her - we don't know) Cal because she/he/it is a calico cat. Cal enjoys sitting on our fallen tree and flirting with Dads. I'm turning a blind eye to this momentary infactuation, as long as Dads doesn't give Cal any of my kibbles, treats, wet food, toys, cardboard boxes, or catnip.
Archy asked me to share that his investigation of Corny's death has become a cold case. Two things have contributed to this. #1: Corny defrosted, and some outdoor critter took him away. #2: Archy has been too busy to focus on the dead squirrel, as he has spent his waking hour doing Moms and Dads taxes. Even though he's using the automated TurboTax, Archy wants you to know that this is hard work. In addition to Esquire and WOB proprietor, he is very proud to announce that he is also a CPA and is available to do your taxes. 
Your pal, Jonathan Dangerous
I suggest lowering the sink a foot or two.
Uncle Ron, you are so right. I also have requested that the sink top be widened. Look at my rump. Half of it is hanging off the sink!!! I need more space to enjoy the indoor pool.
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