Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mom's Flip Book

4 months (16 weeks)
5 months (20 weeks)5 1/2 months (22 weeks)

6 months (24 weeks)

6 1/2 months (26 weeks)
(She didn't shrink - Uncle Steven just took the picture at a weird angle.)

27 weeks

7 months (28 weeks)

29 weeks

31 Weeks

32 weeks (8 months)

33 weeks

34 weeks (8 1/2 months)

35 weeks
(Moms and Dads celebrated by getting an IV for the occasion. Not fun.
And Archy and me got supper late, too!)
Nine months! (36 weeks)

37 weeks!

Look! Moms' belly is bigger than Dads' head!

38 weeks! Moms keeps saying things like, "Get out, baby!" and "I'm tired of this."

39 weeks. Can you see the baby?

10 months (40 weeks)!
The baby is officially cooked, but Moms' belly button hasn't popped yet,
like that red button on the Butterball turkey.
Maybe that's what has to happen before the baby decides to come out.

All this baby growing makes for one tired JohnJohn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your smile is getting bigger as well. Pure sunshine.