Everyone - we have arrived. Our new home in Milford now contains two chubby cats! It took a lot of work to get here. Moms and Dads were way behind in packing so Moms took Friday off to scurry and get everything in boxes. Dads had to work, so I promised to help. Look what a good helper-bee I am! I was in charge of holding down the wrapping paper and making it furry.
Moms then had to pack clothes. I was in charge of holding down the clothes and getting them furry.
I was also in charge of making sure we took the laundry basket. I put myself inside of it so no one would forget.
When we got to the new house, it was amazing. So much to sniff! Archy and I have our own apartment on the third floor. (We do not have pictures to share yet of our cat-pad.) However, the wildlife continues to abound. On Saturday (moving day), Dads saw a girl turkey in our backyard. He made Moms look at it. They both said they saw it and they made this doctored photo to show you the gobbler.
Moms and Dads held us up to the window to see said girl turkey but all we could see were our pretty, pretty reflections in the window. So we went back down to the new carpet. This is our reaction to the turkey. We said, "We see no turkey."
The cable man came on Saturday to give us teevee and internet and telephone. Moms turned on the teevee to make sure it worked and we saw a commercial for Where in the World is Matt Lauer? Archy thought that was a great idea and he made his own version to introduce my faithful readers to our new home. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce, "Where in the Kitchen is Archibald Cat, Esq.?"
I found Archy! He is on top of the refrigerator. He got there all by himself.
Hey! Dads found Archy too!
Archy says, "Really, folks. It wasn't that hard to find me. It's the kitchen. Really."
So Archy tried to find a new spot, trying to blend in with the stainless steel toaster. Can you find Archy Cat?
Up next: Where in the Living Room is Archibald Cat, Esq?
Holla to Auntie Anne and Uncle Kent for the super sweet can of Fancy Feast Elegant Medley's Shrimp and Salmon souffle dinner on our first night in our house! I gobbled it down, just like a so-called turkey.
I see you have nice new double-wides in your new house. You are soooo lucky.
Auntie Pam
you folks certainly have "arrived."
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