Friday, January 09, 2009

For you doubters.....

For those of you who doubt my Dads is strong, here is proof that he is HE MAN!
For those of you who doubt that the fallen tree is small.... Can you find Dads on the tree?
For those of you who doubt that I can fit into a small Gap shirt box, here's photographic proof that I am svelt enough to do it!
Here's the aerial proof. See? I'm in the box - with room to spare! The box was a Christmas present from Mordecai the Theatrical Wonder Cat. I love it. I enjoy sitting in it, lying down in it, and running across the floor to jump and slide in it. It's my new favorite box.
Moms has been throwing up again, and she had to go get another IV last night.
She and Dads figure that maybe the tot wanted them to take a picture of it for the baby book. Now that they took a snapshot, they hope that they'll never have to return. Moms was so dehydrated that they couldn't get the IV into her veins. They blew four veins and wanted to send her home to drink teaspoons of water (1 teaspoon every 15 minutes; she was throwing up water at this point!) until her veins plumped up enough to get an IV in. Moms' vet said no and asked the nurses to try one more time. Turns out the fifth try is the charm! Moms is all ok now but she's back to eating her safety foods like McDonald's plain biscuits and apples. I am a good helperbee though. I snuggle with Moms and rest my head right where they blew one of her veins. She says it hurts but, really, I think she's trying to say that it is comforting.

There is a snow storm coming tomorrow. I hope I'm allowed on the porch to go play in the snow. If I am, I will ask Moms to take pictures so I can show you what an outdoorsman I am!
Your pal, Jonathan Dangerous


Anonymous said...

that tree is bigger than it looked in the previous post. Blowing up veins must hurt. All 4 of them. Is that suppose to happen.

J-Damn said...

Hi, Uncle Ron! Moms' veins blew because she was so dehydrated. They could get the needle in, but when the put in the IV thingy, the veins were so flat that the IV just went through the vein. Then all the fluid they were trying to put in started bubbling up under her skin. Moms said it hurt wicked bad and everyone was in total disbelief that FOUR veins blew but at least the fifth one got in so that she didn't have to go home and drink teaspoons of water for the rest of her life. She's ok now, though. Just bruised, that's all. Purrs - JD!