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In honor of tomorrow's Obamanauguration, I have decided that I will take a nap. I am full of hope that this will be the best nap I will have ever had. Even though Mr. President-Elect Obama has decided that a DOG will be the White House pet, I'm ok with it because he is a Hawaii boy and that is where my Moms and Hawaiian Bampy are from. Maybe I will take a nap on Moms' fluffy, fluffy robe. It's so soft and, well, fluffy.
I might also take a nap on Archy's spot on the couch. We've been switching it up a little, and Archy's been sleeping where I do and I've been sleeping where Archy usually does. His snuggle spot is very comfortable, and offers a lot of support for my chubby body.
In home improvement news, we've improved! After a ridiculously long wait, the non-ghetto surround for the pellet stove arrived at the pellet stove store. Dads went to the store to get it and they all bowed down to him because they didn't want him to hoot and holler about the wait. Dads spent Saturday installing the surround. In the meantime, we've been living "in the ghetto." (I liked to sing the song..."in the ghhhhheeeetoooooo!" when I looked at the old pellet stove.) See, the surround that came with the pellet stove was too short to fill in the fireplace hole, so we had a gap that let in cold, cold air from the chimney. Dads tried wicked hard to fill it in until the new one came. See?
The new surround matches the rest of the pellet stove, and has a shiny metal border. It is no longer ghetto. It is nice.
When Dads installed the surround, there were a few curse words that were bantered about. Apparently, the screws are tiny and they kept falling in places that were hard to get them out of. It's ok, though. I just put on my "earmuffs" (covered my ears with my paws) until Moms told me to take them off, and Dads got the surround on eventually.
If you're wondering where the pretty topiaries went to, they died. Ok. They didn't die at first, but they got attacked by spiders and Moms didn't want webs of spider babies in her house so she chucked them in the snow and then they died. So much for plants in our house.For those who did not know, our computer operates on stinky Microsoft Vista. Moms has taken lots of video of us, our turkeys, our squirrels, and the like, but the video has been problematic and she cannot edit, rename or sometimes open the files. She learned today (between her naps) that it was due to Vista not being friends with RealTime video. So she uninstalled RealTime and, hopefully, I can share videos of all my pals with you soon.Your pal,Jonathan Dangerous
nice job. *I've never seen a real live fireplace.
Uncle Ron,
It is ok that you have never seen a real live fireplace. I have never seen the Ala Wai, nor have I seen sand or a palm tree. I've also never been outside, but that's a whole other story....
Your pal, JD.
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